Homeschooling In The Spring

Yesterday really was the most glorious spring day in our part of the world.  My spirits soared as we set off with some home ed friends for an all-day walk in the woods. C only started homeschooling in January so this is the first year we are totally free to enjoy the sunny seasons together – no school run to get back for, no one missing out.


T-shirts were worn.

There was even paddling!


What else have we been doing?  C started working on a birthday present for Granny, a cushion with heart motif, her own creation inspired by something she saw in a craft magazine.  We are learning this sewing business together and I am joyfully letting go of any vestiges of perfectionism as we do.  In the absence of tailor’s chalk (now on the shopping list) we used a felt tip to draw around C’s heart template, figuring no one would see the black line as we’d have the other side face up.  A few moments later we realised that some fabrics have a “wrong side” as well as a “right side”!  It’s a small thing, but our heartfelt, shared laughter as we realised our “mistake” may have been the best feeling I’ve had all week – you know the kind of laughter where you try to carry on with what you were doing but you start off laughing all over again whenever you catch the other person’s eye? 😀

It was C’s turn to choose a recipe from our new cupcake book.   Inspired by Gaynor over on Navigating By The Stars, I thought this would be a fun way of learning new baking skills.  Last time J chose maple & pecan cupcakes which were super-yummy and involved a lot of learning about sugar crystals (it took four goes to get the caramelised topping!).

This week we did gingerbread cakes with lemon icing.  The recipe used the melting method which I’d never used before.  I couldn’t believe how easy it was.  The hardest part was getting the syrup and treacle off the tablespoon!

We read Swallows & Amazons as we ate,  getting into the spirit of poetry tea which we’re having with Gaynor next week.  I’m really looking forward to that.

Today is the library and then our regular free day at home before C’s long Stagecoach class this evening.  It makes me realise I’ve been doing pretty well with prolonging the post-holiday glow that this doesn’t feel like a “reward” for a busy few days but rather a natural continuation of a lovely, relaxed week 🙂

1 Comment (+add yours?)

  1. Gaynor Worrallo
    Mar 25, 2011 @ 08:29:57

    Those cup-cakes look seriously yummy!


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